These are the main coding projects and snippets we've made over time. Including but not limited to: silly experiments, re-usable snippets, and actually useful tools. Most of them use PluralKit's API, because we like writing things using that a lot.

A lot of these are hosted over on the old version of the site, but some others are external. We've compiled them together here.

Most of these are front-end only, because we started out our programming journey by learning React and then other front-end frameworks. We're pretty proficient in javascript and typescript, but also C#! We want to pick up more backend oriented projects very soon, too.

Bigger Projects

Pretty big things that we've been working on long-term.

  • PluralKit's Dashboard: formerly known as pk-webs, now integrated as the official dashboard for PluralKit.

Pet Projects

Longer-term projects that are more personal in nature.

Tools / Widgets

Can you tell we like PluralKit's API a lot?

  • Notion Embeds: widgets that embed PluralKit member and front data into Notion.
  • a website for displaying PluralKit members and fronters in a (somewhat) nicely formatted way.
  • iOS Front Widget: a current fronters widget for the Scriptable app on iOS (does not work on android).


Reusable code snippets.

  • (js) PluralKit Front: an example snippet of how to show a simple list of fronters on your webpage using javascript.

Funny Stuff

Some silly experiments that weren't intended to ever get far.

  • MAPPY: A silly little headspace map that we never finished, using Leafletjs. We even made a Leafletjs plugin for it!
  • Json Sys Wiki: An even sillier idea we had: store info about our system in a json file and then load that into a "wiki" layout using javascript.